All weekly maintenance commercial pool services are assigned 2 certified technicians. By utilizing 2 technicians, we can focus on both aspects of the service, which are physical cleaning and chemical analysis and administration. It also allows us to offer a more complete and timely report of each visit while reducing the overall interruption of your daily routine.
Weekly Maintenance
Pit Stop Pool Commercial Pool Services primary focus is weekly maintenance. This service allows you to enjoy your pool without the stress of constant maintenance. We offer several levels of service that allow you to decide on your amount of participation.
Levels of Service
WEEKLY: Water electronically tested, chemicals adjusted, non-chlorine oxidizer added if necessary to reduce combined chlorine, skimmers/strainers emptied, filter pressure check, in-pool cleaner bag or filter cleaned, netted, brushed, vacuumed, and equipment visually inspected for optimal functionality. Algaecide, Clarifier, and Sequestrant added as found to be necessary by technician.
- Weekly Tests: Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, and salt (if applicable)
- Monthly Tests: Cyanuric Acid, Calcium, Total Dissolved Solids
- As-needed: Metals and Phosphates
SEMI-ANNUALLY: Filters or salt cells cleaned
WEEKLY: Water electronically tested, chemicals adjusted, non-chlorine oxidizer added if necessary to reduce combined chlorine, skimmers/strainers emptied, filter pressure check, in-pool cleaner bag or filter cleaned, netted, brushed, vacuumed, and equipment visually inspected for optimal functionality. Algaecide, Clarifier, and Sequestrant added as found to be necessary by technician.
- Weekly Tests: Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, and salt (if applicable)
- Monthly Tests: Cyanuric Acid, Calcium, Total Dissolved Solids
- As-needed: Metals and Phosphates
SEMI-ANNUALLY: Filters or salt cells cleaned
Additional Commercial Pool Services
Supplemental Clean:
Water electronically tested, chemicals adjusted, non-chlorine oxidizer added if necessary to reduce combined chlorine, skimmers/strainers emptied, filter pressure check, in-pool cleaner bag or filter cleaned, netted, brushed, vacuumed, and equipment inspected for optimal functionality
Filter Clean:
Inspect filter, disassemble filter, clean grids on DE filter or cartridges in cartridge filter, reassemble, add proper amount of DE media if DE filter, and check filter pressure
Partial or Complete Drain and Fill:
Water partially or completely removed from pool and spa as necessary to reduce high cynuric acid, calcium, or TDS levels, refill pool, test water electronically, add startup levels of calcium, cynuric acid, alkalinity, and chlorine, balance ph
Equipment repair, installation, or upgrade:
We service all brands of equipment and provide warranties on all new equipment installations.
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