What it does:
BioGuard® Banish® algicide when used directed, is a highly effective, patented, non-staining algicide that kills and controls algae in swimming pools. It is especially recommended for killing and controlling green, blue-green (frequently called black or spot algae) and mustard algae growths. Banish® algicide can be used as a remedy for visible algae or to prevent algae from occurring. Banish® is formulated for use in chlorine or bromine sanitized swimming pools of all surface and filter types.
–Patented non-staining pool algicide
–Kills and prevents green, mustard, and black algae
–Results in 24 hours
–For all pool types
–Fast acting on all types of algae
–Multi functional formula clears water
–Compatible with chlorine, bromine, Mineral Springs® and saltwater systems
–Do not use in SoftSwim® or other biguanide sysetms
–3.3% copper
–pH 2.4