Chlorinating Liquid Shock – 1 GA


SKU: 017541650304 Category:


What it does:

BioGuard® Chlorinating Liquid is a fast-acting chlorine treatment for all pool types. Kills algae and bacteria and is compatible with salt systems. Each bottle contains a vented induction seal and foam liner under the cap to limit spills and leaks.


–Prevents leaking for safer transit to pool

–Kills algae and bacteria

–Fast acting

–Salt system compatible



–10% Sodium Hypochlorite


–Compatible with chlorine, bromine, Mineral Springs® and saltwater systems

–Do not use in SoftSwim® or other biguanide systems

–1 gallon per 10,000 gallons increases TDS by ~30 ppm

–Easy pour opening (no-glug-jug with vented handle)